Alliance Partners
The partners of the alliance consist of regional, national and internationally recognised experts working together on cross cutting and health related clinical scientific questions and coordinating the activities and strategy of the Midlands Biomedical Research Centres (BRCs), Clinical Research Facilities (CRFs), wider associated National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) infrastructure, the partner NHS trusts and HEIs to maximise and secure inward investment to the Midlands.
NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC)
NIHR Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre
NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre
NIHR Leicester Clinical Research Facility (CRF)
NIHR Birmingham Clinical Research Facility
NIHR Nottingham Clinical Research Facility
NIHR EM Clinical Research Network (CRN)
NIHR WM Clinical Research Network
NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East Midlands
NIHR Applied Research Collaboration West Midlands
NIHR Trauma Management MedTech Co-Operative
NIHR Mental Health MedTech Co-Operative