Celebrating PPIE in the Midlands
Get involved with the 2023 Patient & Public Involvement & Engagement (PPIE) virtual events series coming soon:
· Tuesday 16 May
· Wednesday 17 May
· Thursday 18 May
Providing researchers with the opportunity to understand the impact that PPIE can have across the research infrastructure from initial ideas through to grant submission. For PPIE managers, the chance to understand more about the NIHR, other research landscapes and how to share best practice. For members of the public: Become involved and learn how to support your NHS and its research priorities.
Sign up here.

MTi Expo
Med-Tech Innovation Expo is the UK & Ireland’s leading event for medical device design and manufacturing technology.
Experience live demonstrations of the latest machines, technology, products and services while networking with more than 4,000 designers, engineers, innovators and manufacturers from across the medical and healthcare sector.
Be inspired by thought-leaders across three conference stages as they discuss the hottest topics in med-tech, including regulation, market access, start-ups and more.
Click here for visitor info.

Opportunities to Engage with Research in your Health & Social Care Career
Please see link to the agenda.
Please note the agenda is still a work in progress and will be updated between now and the event.

Academy of Medical Sciences Research Festival 2022
The Midlands Academy of Medical Sciences Research Festival is a unique biomedical and health research event designed to bring early career researchers together to present their work, meet one another and to network with senior researchers.
This year we are delighted to have support from the Midlands Health Alliance in delivering a packed programme of research including highlights from around the region. For our 2022 event three areas of focus have been chosen around our recently elected Fellows: Public Health / Health Service Research, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Respiratory Science.
Our key note speakers for 2022 include AMS Fellows:
Professor Richard Lilford, CBE, FMedSci, Director of National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Centre West Midlands (ARC WM), University of Birmingham
Professor Arri Coomarasamy, FMedSci, Professor of Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine, Director of the Tommy's National Centre for Miscarriage Research, Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Global Women’s Health, University of Birmingham
Professor Chris Brightling, FMedSci, NIHR Senior Investigator and Clinical Professor in Respiratory Medicine, University of Leicester
Register here.

Pharmacy, logistics and a look to the future
Find out more about the advanced therapy journey, from how the starting materials are obtained to the steps which need to be taken when they are delivered at the hospital.
We will also be taking a look at new therapies being considered by the NHS, some of which may be made available to patients over the next few years. At the end of this session, there will be chance to chat to and connect with other patients.
Register here.

Ask the experts: Cancer
In this session we will explore how different cell and gene therapies are impacting the lives of cancer patients.
The majority of advanced therapies in the pipeline are focussed on cancer, so there is real potential to benefit patients, improving prognosis and quality of life.
Register here.

Ask the experts: Liver disease and rheumatoid arthritis
Join us to find out how cell and gene therapies are being used to treat some liver disorders, rheumatoid arthritis as well as other autoimmune diseases.
In some instances the same therapy can be used to treat a number of different conditions. We will cover how patients may be selected for a clinical trial.
Register here.

Introducing cell and gene therapies
This session will introduce the aims for the series. Attendees will learn about the basics of, and difference between, cell therapy and gene therapy.
We will explore the role of these therapies in the body and how they can help patients. There will be a chance for attendees to ask questions.
Register here.

Beyond COVID-19: New directions for Public Involvement in Health and Social Care Research in the Midlands
PPIE professionals, members of PPI groups across the Midlands and anybody who wants to learn more about the subject are invited to:
‘Beyond COVID-19: New directions for Public Involvement in Health and Social Care Research in the Midlands’
Taking place: March 15 to 17, 2021
We believe and care about the importance of Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) in the region.
All members of PPI groups and representatives in the Midlands are invited to join in this first virtual conference that brings together the PPIE community to:
Learn about the latest developments in PPIE
Share ideas and best practice for such areas including empowering PPI representatives
Plan for the future
Network with PPIE professionals
The event is organised by the Midlands Health Alliance which is flying the flag for the rich and diverse pool of research expertise within the region.
A keynote speaker will take to the virtual stage and all sessions have been designed to both share and improve PPIE practices to bring together professionals and representatives from across the region.
There will also be networking opportunities for experienced professionals and representatives.
New people welcome
Newcomers will also be welcomed to learn more about PPIE and how to make both a contribution and a difference to healthcare as part of a special opening day agenda.
We believe and care about the importance of PPIE in the region.
Join us and register now for this free-to-attend virtual conference and get involved in what the future may look like.
Register here.
If you have any issues with registration please contact laura.payne@ojpr.co.uk

NIHR Clinical Research Network Virtual Event for the Life Sciences Industry
The NIHR Clinical Research Network invites colleagues from pharmaceutical, biotechnology, diagnostic, medical and digital technology companies and Contract Research Organisations (CROs) to attend its Virtual Event for the Life Sciences Industry.
In recognition of the challenging times, and how the UK-wide research system responded, the theme for this virtual event is: Collaborate. Adapt. Deliver.
With keynote presentations from the Innovation Minister and AstraZeneca, this event is provides a forum to explore the latest developments and opportunities in the UK's clinical research environment.
Attendees will also hear expert speakers discuss recent events and achievements and consider how those experiences can enhance the UK’s strengths and ability to deliver clinical research in the future.
In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to take part in interactive parallel sessions. These sessions are focused around some of the current challenges in research delivery and will showcase potential solutions which contribute towards maintaining the UK’s competitiveness in the global market.
Register for the event. Please note you will be prompted to create a login.

South Asian Health Foundation AND COVID-19 VACCINE WEBINAR
1. What are the key findings and UK Government response.
2. What actions can be taken to overcome barriers and how we can mobilise communities and engage at grassroot levels.
3. Share innovative examples for community faith leaders and healthcare professionals to drive uptake in challenged areas
Register free here: https://sahf-covid-19-vaccine.eventbrite.co.uk

UK Biobanking Showcase 2020
Organised by the UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre, the UK Biobanking Showcase is the UK's leading event for those who work in biobanking and human tissue research.
Sessions will run for 90 minutes from 13.30 each day:
Mon 12th: COVID-19 and UK Biobanking
Tues 13th: Transparency and sustainability
Weds 14th: Developing common Biobanking documentation
Thurs 15th: Workshop: "Design a fair access system for Biobanking"
Fri 16th: Developing an online presence, Biobank of the year award.
Register here

Child Health Technology Conference
I am very excited to bring the first child health technology conference to the UK and to our home city of Sheffield where some incredible work is taking place.
Child Health Technology 2020 (CHT2020) will bring together healthcare professionals, industry, engineers, designers, academics, and patient representatives around one of the most exciting and fast moving fields in healthcare today.
Join us for two days of inspirational talks from the highest calibre of speakers, discussions around the latest medical technological developments, and live demonstrations. At the heart of the conference will be opportunities for cross-disciplinary networking and collaboration to ensure children and young people receive the best and most advanced healthcare.
As the Director of NIHR Children and Young People MedTech Co-operative, Professor of Child Health, and Director of Research and Innovation at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, I have led on national technology networks that focus on the development and adoption of technology for paediatrics and child health through private and public sector collaboration.
It’s an exciting time to be part of our journey and I hope you can join us and help shape the future of child health technology.
Book your place here

The Midlands Research Festival
The Midlands Academy of Medical Sciences Research Festival is a unique biomedical and health research event designed to bring early career researchers together to present their work, meet one another and to network with senior researchers. This year we are delighted to have support from the Midlands Health Alliance in delivering a packed programme of research including highlights from around the region.For our 2020 event three areas of focus have been chosen around our recently elected Fellows: Public Health / Health Service Research, Obstetrics and Gynacology and Respiratory Science.
Our key note speakers for 2020 include AMS Fellows:
Professor Richard Lilford, CBE, FMedSci, Director of National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Centre West Midlands (ARC WM), University of Birmingham
Professor Arri Coomarasamy, FMedSci, Professor of Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine, Director of the Tommy's National Centre for Miscarriage Research, Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Global Women’s Health, University of Birmingham
Professor Chris Brightling, FMedSci, NIHR Senior Investigator and Clinical Professor in Respiratory Medicine, University of Leicester
Click here for more information
Click here to book tickets

Med-Tech Innovation Expo
As the UK and Ireland’s leading event for medical design and manufacturing technology, Med-Tech innovation Expo is the only Medtech event you need to attend. Featuring live demonstrations of the latest machines, technology, products and services. Network with 4,000+ designers, engineers,innovators and manufacturers from across the medical and healthcare sector.

East Midlands Early Career Researcher Event
Join us for our Early Career Researcher event and find out how we can support the start of your research journey.
About this Event
If you are a healthcare professional in training or are within five years of appointment to a substantive NHS (or equivalent) position, then this is the event for you.
We have an agenda filled with inspirational talks and networking opportunities to give you an opportunity to learn more about how to get involved in research.
An agenda and more information about the event will be provided in due course.
Book your place here

Leicester's Research Live
About this Event
The Research and Innovation team at Leicester’s Hospitals is pleased to invite you to a researcher day on 25 February 2020. The day is open to anyone who is involved in research on one of our hospital sites (including clinical researchers funded by universities, other public bodies or charitable organisations).
The day will include talks, panel Q&As and workshops on a range of subjects – including using quality improvement tools to align your research with the Trust's 'Becoming the best' strategy, tips and tricks for aspiring researchers, and lots of case studies with impact.
About Leicester's Research
Leicester's Hospitals is a world leader in many specialty areas, including cardiovascular, respiratory, diabetes and renal medicine, with many prominent researchers working in our NHS Trust.
We are home to several National Institute for Health Research bodies: the NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre and NIHR Leicester Clinical Research Facility, the Clinical Research Network East Midlands, and Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) East Midlands. We also have Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC) status - our HOPE clinical trials facility is vital in the delivery of its research. We work closely with our fellow NHS, academic, commercial and charity partners to deliver high quality research from bench to bedside - and beyond.
We hope to see you there!
How can I contact the organiser with any event questions?
Please contact RIAdmin@uhl-tr.nhs.uk with any queries.
What are your Ticket Costs?
All tickets to this event are free!
Please note that a charge of £33 will be issued to attendees who cancel with less than 7 days' notice, or who do not attend after booking to cover administrative costs.
Can I book a ticket on behalf of another person?
If you are booking on behalf of another attendee, please book and provide the specific attendee’s email address to: RIAdmin@uhl-tr.nhs.uk
If I cannot attend, can I send another delegate using my ticket?
If you are unable to attend but would like to send a delegate on your behalf, please inform the organiser by email: RIAdmin@uhl-tr.nhs.uk
How easy is it to get to the venue by train or car, and is parking available?
We have selected the Tigers conference centre because it is a short walk from LRI and can be reached easily on the hopsital hopper. Delegates can also park for free in the Crumbie car park, next to the conference facilities.
Is there an agenda for the day?
A full agenda will be sent out to all delegates at least two weeks’ prior to the event.
Book tickets here

West Midlands Medilink Business Awards
On February 13th Medilink West Midlands are hosting their annual prestigious Medical and Healthcare Business awards at The Burlington Hotel in Birmingham.
Celebrating the life sciences, medical and healthcare community in the West Midlands. The awards provide an opportunity to shine a light on the successes for Medilink West Midlands both on a regional and national scale.

Impact from Commercialisation Seminar
Keele are hosting an event aimed at raising awareness of how commercialising research can lead to impact. The event will explore examples of how other universities have developed strong case studies around research that has successfully been commercialised through routes such as spin outs, patents and licencing, then highlight the support available for these activities.
Outline agenda:
9 - 9.30 – Coffee and Registration
9.30-9.45 – Introduction and Context
9:45 - 10.15 – It’s not the size of your IP, it’s what you do with it. Carl Edwards, University of Leicester
10.15 – 10:45 – UoB Case studies. David Coleman, University of Birmingham
10:45 – 11:15 – Coffee and Questions
11:15 – 11:45 – How to fund early business ventures. Janette Pallas, Loughborough University
11:45 – 12:15 – Opportunities through MICRA and Medici. Anthony Khan, University of Birmingham
12:15 - 12:45 – Pathways from Research to Industry. Nick Gostick, Keele University
12:45 - 13:15.Lunch
Venue: Think Space room, The Denise Coates Foundation Building, Keele University, ST5 5AA
Free parking will be available on the day – permits on arrival upon registration
Contact details:
Alex Lomas
Innovation and Business Development Manager
01782 733660
Book tickets here: https://bit.ly/2qqGP9N

Female Academic Forum for Entrepreneurship (FAE)
This forum brings together women from across the MICRA Universities to explore entrepreneurship as a pathway for delivering impact from their research. The forum will provide a supportive environment for women engaging in, or interested in, entrepreneurial activity.
At the launch participants will:
Hear from and engage with a range of inspiring female academic entrepreneurs
Learn about the perceived barriers to female academic entrepreneurship – and some suggestions of how to overcome them
Hear about the launch of the FAE (Female Academic Entrepreneurs)
Join group discussions to set the agenda for FAE and find out how to get involved.
Book tickets here: https://bit.ly/34KtKXS

The Midlands Business Network Expo
Join us this December for the Midlands Business Network Leicester Expo.
The Midlands Business Network Expo attracts 100 exhibiting businesses plus a footfall of 1,000 visiting businesses from across the Midlands. If you are looking to increase your business network, spread product brand awareness, find new sales opportunities and increase your sales pipeline then this is the perfect event for your business.
Come along as an exhibitor or a visitor and showcase your business at the biggest B2B expo in the Midlands.
Why should I attend the Midlands Business Network Expo?
Make valuable business connections within the Midlands
Generate sales leads for your business
Identify new customers
Promote your brand
Develop your skills and gain business insight
Book your FREE tickets here: https://themidlandsbusinessnetwork.co.uk/events/midlands-business-network-december-expo-2019/

20th Annual Conference of the South Asian Health Foundation
Past, Present and Future: Diabetes in South Asians
Thursday 28th and Friday 29th November, 2019: Birmingham Botanical Gardens
We are delighted to announce COMPLIMENTARY registration is now open for the 20th Annual Conference of the South Asian Health Foundation (SAHF): Past, Present and Future: Diabetes in South Asians.
We are excited to offer a 2-day programme that has been tailored specifically to help healthcare professionals in the UK striving to deliver the best possible care for South Asian people with Diabetes. Whether you are working in a primary, intermediate or secondary care setting, the conference will be relevant to your everyday practice.
You will also have the opportunity throughout the conference to personalise your educational experience by picking the sessions that you most want to attend.
Sessions include:
Q & A with Senior NHS England Representatives
New and Emerging Data
Interactive masterclasses will address 'Diet for South Asians, 'Engaging Pharmacists' and 'Cardiovascular Disease (CVD): Risk Knowledge in South Asians with Rheumatoid Arthritis'.
Register online: bit.ly/2XuZnkbÂ
Email: info@sahf.org.uk

NIHR Leicester BRC and CRF Halfway Conference
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Leicester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and Clinical Research Facility (CRF) Conference is a two-day event to showcase and celebrate the work of the Leicester BRC and CRF, foster a ‘One NIHR’ community, develop and support new talent, learn from experience, and create a vision for the future.
Day 1 - 27/11/19, 09:00 - 17:00 - A scientific meeting including updates from theme leads, talks from PhD students, poster presentations and prizes, and workshops. This event is primarily aimed at staff affiliated to our BRC and CRF.
>> Details for submitting abstracts for posters, talks and workshops will be circulated later in the year.
Day 2 - 28/11/19, 09:00 - 14:00 - A more formal conference programme, including updates from partners, Bold-, Reach- and Collaboration-themed talks, and our external keynote speaker. We welcome guests from collaborating organisations to join us.
Register now: https://halfwayconference.eventbrite.co.uk
UK Biobanking Showcase
The UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre’s annual event highlighting the latest biobanking developments in the UK and beyond.
Focussing on strategic thinking, maximising research impact, and stakeholder engagement
Announcing the 2019 Biobank of the Year Award
Featuring audience-led debates
Facilitating the discovery and use of human samples and data to enable research.
Helping researchers find samples and data
Helping sample collections improve visibility
Harmonising policies on sample and data discovery
Connecting the UK to Europe via BBMRI-ERIC
Find out more
Contact Us

CRN East Midlands Research Forum
Improving research delivery through the use of digital
We are excited to announce our forthcoming Research Forum for the non-medical research delivery workforce across the East Midlands (such as Research Nurses, AHP's, Practitioners, Research Managers and Administrators).
The aims of the forum are to support research delivery staff by promoting collaborative working, sharing information, learning from each other and generally to create an opportunity for networking. The theme for this year’s forum will be Digital, looking at how we can improve research delivery through the use of digital.
The day will include a number of informative presentations from network staff, colleagues across the region and from the MHRA. There will be time for discussion, reflection and most importantly for networking. This year we will be using Conversation Starter, a digital solution to enable networking conversations during the event. A light buffet lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Questions about Patient and Public Involvement in Research? Half Day Workshops and Drop In Sessions Available.
Questions about Patient and Public Involvement in Research?
Come along to one of our drop-in sessions for Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Research. PPI leads from Birmingham BRC, CLAHRC WM, SRMRC and UHB will be on hand to answer any queries you have about how and when best to involve patients and members of the public in your work. There is no need to book, just turn up.
For registration/details about the learning outcomes of these workshops see the College of Medical and Dental Science’s Centre for Professional Development’s information at: birmingham.ac.uk/facilities/mds-cpd/conferences/ppi-workshop/index.aspx